Thursday, April 21, 2011

Celebrities Admit They're Not Perfect

In recent pop culture news, two celebrities have admitted to having Bipolar Disorder. Catherine Zeta Jones and Demi Lovato both announced that they have been privately struggling with this disorder for years. Demi Lovato said that she would, "Write seven songs in a night and stay up until 5:30 A.M.", which would be considered her manic phase, while Catherine struggled to fight off the stress that accompanied her husband having cancer, as she would have episodes of crying and mania. I commend these women for coming out in the open and sharing one of their deepest secrets with the world. There are so many people of all ages struggling with mental illness, and yet no one really talks about it. Since it's rarely a topic of conversation, many people assume that they're the only ones in the world struggling with mental illness. This only adds to the person's worries and insecurities about themselves as being "different" or outcasts of society and exacerbates their condition. Having celebrities who are usually glorified in the limelight as being perfect and infallible admit to what society considers a major weakness can really empower people everywhere who are fighting mental illness and striving to lead normal lives. Perhaps this is one of the first steps in eliminating the pain of mental illness, openly talking about it and relieving the stigma that is associated with it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ron Paul for President 2012

Why do I think Ron Paul should be President? First and foremost, he plans to attack the most prominent issue concerning the state of America today, the economy. Obama claims to be fixing the American economy, yet he is only increasing government spending. How on earth do you restore a nation's wealth by spending money that does not exist? This only exacerbates the the issue, leaving more debt for future leaders to handle. Common sense, folks? I think so! Ron Paul, on the other hand, is aware of the enormous debt our country has accumulated, and he has no intention of hiding the truth from the American public. He plans to cut government spending altogether, allowing the free market to determine which businesses go bankrupt. Though this may leave some businesses hurting in the short-term, it will produce lasting long-term results for America as a whole. We are supposed to be looking after the future generations of America, right? I hope so!
Another reason I like Ron Paul, and think he should be president of the United States beginning in 2012, is that he is devoted to personal liberty, meaning Americans have the right to do whatever they wish to, as long as they are not inflicting harm on other people. This means that if you wish to smoke marijuana and get a lovely little high, you can do it! Also, if you wish to get married to your same sex friend that you find so beautiful, go for it!
In my opinion, Ron Paul has the best interest of the American people at heart. He is into restoring the financial situation of the economy, while also encouraging personal happiness. With these values instilled in Americans, America can return to the Land of the Free it was originally meant to be.

Friday, April 8, 2011

In case you are unable to open this link (or don't feel like watching it), I will give you a quick synopsis of this video. The video shows two twin boys, who are too young to talk, and hence communicate, with the average person, carrying on their own conversation with each other in "baby talk". One twin boy says to the other, "Da, da, da, da", to which the other identical twin boy replies, "Da, da, da, da, da". One boy even gestures to his foot, and attempts to climb on the refrigerator, both of which evoke a "da, da, da" response from the other twin. The unique twin language seen in this video captures perfectly the different "culture" that exists between twins that is completely foreign, and almost impossible to understand, for anyone who is not a twin. I know this because I, too, am an identical twin and can relate to this video, as well as the lack of understanding of the twin bond from the outside world. Apparently my sister and I had a similar experience when we were younger where we communicated with each other in "baby talk". Before my parents could figure out what we were doing, one of us had gone to get an ice pick and the the other one was holding a chair to let the other one climb up and open our parents' bedroom door using the ice pick. I am currently separated from my identical twin, and I now realize the strength of the bond, and how much it is a part of me, as my twin and I seem to be living parallel lives even away from each other! The twin bond is like two people sharing one soul and I honestly feel half empty without her near me. I attempt to explain my struggle to people who are not twins, and they act like they have a similar situation with the bond they have with a brother or a sister, but there is no way on earth a typical sibling bond can compare to a twin bond!